Qualification Concept
Structured PhD programme
The GRAD offers doctoral candidates admitted to it the opportunity to follow a structured PhD programme that goes beyond the requirements of the existing PhD regulations. This programme is internationally oriented. This allows a combination of different approaches and formats and gives PhD students the opportunity to maximise their research and teaching potential. Right at the beginning of the PhD programme, an individual learning programme is being created for each PhD candidate. In addition to the written dissertation work to be completed, GRAD doctoral students master an external qualification programme.
Elements of the qualification programme
Language Preparation
Since access to German law has been largely hampered by language comprehension so far, PhD candidates can and should participate in an intensive German language course in advance of any doctoral supervision by GRAD. In addition, workshops for academic writing in German and English as well as a German course for lawyers are being offered.
Subject preparation
Before entering the research part of the programme, doctoral candidates must complete a course in one of the main areas of German law (civil law, public law or criminal law). While writing the dissertation, they attend in-depth courses depending on the respective research focus and participate in doctoral seminars. In addition to the courses required for the doctorate, lectures and accompanying colloquia are scheduled in those basic subjects that will be important for the future teaching activities of the individual participants.
Legal methodology and didactics
The finer points of methodology and didactics are often neglected in the training of young academics. On the didactic qualification side, in particular the German case-solving method is not being taught. In order to close this gap, GRAD offers appropriate courses, among others, in cooperation with the University of Passau. Furthermore, the doctoral students can learn more about digital teaching, both as a didactic qualification and practically applied in their own teaching. In addition, the PhD candidates are able test the knowledge and skills they have acquired by conducting their own seminars and teaching in the form of, for example, supervising internships, exercises or colloquia.
Integration into the scientific community
The doctoral students are directly and closely integrated into the departmental life of the professors supervising them, so that intensive supervisory relationships are established between the doctoral students and their supervisors. In addition, regular participation in retreats, discussion forums and external research (also abroad) offers PhD candidates the opportunity to establish professional and academic contacts and to gain experience in the discussion of current legal issues.
Soft skills
Accompanying the core programme, a series of seminars and workshops on time and stress management, presentation techniques, successful networking, etc. are planned to contribute to the further development of the doctoral students.