Ruslan Bukenov
Ruslan Bukenov erwarb seinen juristischen Bachelor-Abschluss im Jahr 2020 an der Hochschule „Adilet“ in Almaty, Kasachstan. Hiernach immatrikulierte er sich in die Magistratur der Rechtswissenschaft an der M. Narikbayev KAZGUU Universität in Nur-Sultan, Kasachstan. Finanziell wurde er hierbei durch ein Sur-Place Stipendium der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung gefördert.
2021 hat Herr Bukenov als Forschungsassistent an der KAZGUU Universität gearbeitet. Neben seinem Mitwirken an anderen Forschungsprojekten veröffentlichte er selbst Beiträge zum Sportrecht. Gleichzeitig war er Sekretär des Wissenschaftsausschusses seiner Hochrechtschule. In dieser Position führte er den Dokumentendurchlauf und beteiligte sich bei der Durchführung von Sitzungen und an der Arbeit des Ausschusses.
Im April 2022 begann Herr Bukenov ein Promotionsprojekt im Bereich des öffentlichen Sportrechts an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg unter der wissenschaftlichen Betreuung von Professor Dr. Michael Germann.
Nihad Huseynov
In 2019, Nihad Huseynov graduated with a Bachelor's degree from Baku State University, Azerbaijan.
From October 2019 to September 2020, he worked as a junior lawyer at the subsidiary of the State Energy Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Since October 2020, Nihad Huseynov has started his PhD in the joint PhD programme of ADA University and Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg under the academic supervision of Prof. Dr Christian Tietje.
Mr Huseynov's research interests include international business law, administrative law and international law.
Nazrin Hasanova
In 2017, Nazrin Hasanova completed her Bachelor's degree at the National Aviation Academy in Baku, Azerbaijan. In June 2018, she received a Master's degree in Comparative Business Law from the University of Mannheim. Her main areas of study during the Master's degree were comparative law, intellectual property law, competition law and EU fundamental freedoms. She moved back to Azerbaijan in July 2018 and worked as a lawyer in private companies until February 2021, dealing mostly with contract law, trademark law and corporate law.
Since October 2020, Ms Hasanova has started her doctoral studies in the field of intellectual property or trademark law at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg under the academic supervision of Prof. Dr Malte Stieper. After her doctorate, Nazrin Hasanova plans to continue her academic work in Azerbaijan.
Iryna Ostashuk
Iryna Ostashuk obtained her Bachelor degree in International Law at National Aviation University in Kyiv, Ukraine, in 2017. In 2019, she received a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree in International and European Business Law at the University of Wroclaw in Poland. During the 2-year LL.M. program, she was awarded the Erasmus scholarship and was a guest student for two semesters in 2018-2019 at Ghent University in Belgium.
Afterwards, Mrs. Ostashuk was employed as a Junior Associate at the International Arbitration Practice of one of the leading attorneys’ offices in Ukraine. During her employment, she has gained experience in a wide range of cross-border disputes and contributed, among other things, to the first comprehensive publication addressing the use of FIDIC contracts in Ukraine.
Mrs. Ostashuk was subsequently awarded a PhD scholarship by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in 2021 to conduct research in the area of international commercial arbitration at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg under the academic supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Azar Aliyev.
Vugar Ibrahimov
In 2010, Vugar Ibrahimov completed his Bachelor's degree at Baku State University, Azerbaijan. In 2020 he received a Master's degree from the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
From 2011 to 2018 he worked as a lawyer at various companies in Azerbaijan and Belgium.
Since October 2020, Vugar Ibrahimov has been doing his doctorate as part of the joint doctoral program of ADA University and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg under the scientific supervision of Prof. Dr. Winfried Kluth.
Mr. Ibrahimov's research interests include international migration law, identity issues and right of citizenship.